Tag Archive: PR


Today, we talked about ethic issue in PR. This topic reminded me about my first essay in the first semester. The topic of the essay is to write something about conduct code in PR. At that time, I was not sure about the reason of writing this essay.  Now I have got some clue. And I really appreciate having written this essay.

PR doesn’t always have a good reputation. There are a lot of biased terms connected with PR, such as propaganda, spin doctors and etc. Our tutors are both aware of this. Giving the students an assignment about ethic is a very ethical teaching method. I learned that for a master course, it is more important to be a right person in society than learning skills.

In everyday life, PR practitioners are very easy to meet with a lot of conflicts during the works, for example, one article in PR Week asking one question –‘ Is it ethical to run a PR campaign of tobacco , coca cola or McDonald?’

The answer suggested by the article did not give a yes or no answer. Different people have different answers, some will prefer business benefit, others will prefer individual ethic principles. For me, I would like a combined reply that we achieve both business benefit and ethic goods. Although there are some distrust happening in PR, but basic principle can’t be broken.

It is so good to echo something I have learned before and remind me of the good time in first semester fresh and free. Time passes fast. I really learn a lot from this course, and want to thank my tutors and dear classmates.


 CIPR Code of Conduct

Realizing the increasing importance of Internet and the fierce competition with other brands, Topman recently released its online magazine, which covers topics of fashion trends, new product, cosmetic and style. In this magazine, there is an important section of street shot, which attracts readers very much.

This social media campaign is to generate positive awareness of the launch of this online magazine. The main creative idea of this campaign is the street -shot model hunt for Topman online magazine. The hunt is mainly done through videos. First, Topman will go on the street in five different cities in UK to shoot videos of cute and fashionable guys and upload detail information of them on the official website.

This is an example of the video made by Topman:

Then for the public, they can also upload their trendy pictures or videos. At last, it is the public who choose their favorite street -shot model for the face of Topman online magazine and 1,000 pounds award.

The main social media platform will be Youtube for the videos to go viral. Other social media network platforms will also be used for this campaign-a Facebook fan page, a twitter page and a flickr page of this competition will be set up to help promote this campaign.